Thursday, March 20, 2014

10 influences

I am taking a Coursera class and they ask us our 10 most important influences, motors, builders and destroyers in my life. Here we go:

The possibility to explore the world

Dr Slump anime:

From Arale I take the colours, the absurdity and the happiness.


From Gilda I take the capacity to dare to be different.

Jana Sterbak
From her I take the boldness and the possibility of uglyness

Born to run:

I take the strenght to GO

Mies van der Rohe:
My notion of beauty

Jaume Plensa
Power from the calm

Miquel Barceló

 Cap de peix by Miequle Barceló

How it is important to know one's nature and explore it so things come easier.

Maus by Art Spiegelman:

I haven't been able to put my jaw back in place since I read it.

South East Asia:

And how they make things look pretty.

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