Paradise on earth

The more islands we visit, the more we are in love with the Perhentian Islands in Malaysia.

Are you part of a distributed team?

Team activities, courses and guides for companies with virtual teams!

Vietnamese Art

Propaganda posters, paintings and sculptures.

Happy Wesak

Procesión budista en Malasia

On how Asia reminds me of my childhood

Flowers, construction, poorly paved roads,...

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

New Zealand 2010

Doncs s'han acabat les fotografies analògiques. Vaig aprovar fotografia a l'universitat gràcies al treball teòric, s'han d'acceptar les limitaciones que un té, disimular-les i potenciar les fortaleses. Així que a partir d'ara només hi haurà dibuixos de les aventures pel món.
Començem amb una aventura del 2010, la millor aventura de totes, Nova Zelanda amb la Maria.
Algunes coses que podem veure al dibuix:
  • Falguera: sempre present a tot arreu a on vas del país. Quan més m'agrada no és quan ha crescut sino quan neix, fent espiral.
  • Hei Tiki: figura que representa la fertilitat en la mitologia maorí i polinesia.
  • Llacs, rius, muntanyes, volcans, glaciars... ai, si no podeu anar tant lluny aneu fins a Islandia que s'assembla molt!

    Wednesday, July 25, 2012

    Imagine: How creativity works

    Hoy estaba escuchando una entrevista a Jonah Lehrer en NPR y su libro parece muy interesante, aquí os mando un vídeo que explica algunas cosas de su libro:

    IMAGINE: How Creativity Works from Flash Rosenberg on Vimeo.

    Me encantan sus consejos:
    • Empieza el día relajándote con una ducha de agua caliente
    • Piensa como un niño de 7 años 
    • También habla del uso de alcohol y drogas, todo ayuda :-P 
    • Muerte a los brain stormings!! Viva!! Todos estos años acomplejada que no podía generar ideas en estas malditas reuniones!!
    Para más información aquí va un vídeo con toda la teoría.

    Monday, July 23, 2012

    Glass noodles salad (Yum Woon Sen) / Amanida de fideus transparents

    Perfect summer salad! This is the salad that people here eat when they want to lose weight because the noodles are made of soy and have almost no calories. It is delicious!

    Ingredients for 1 person/ Ingredients per a una persona
    • 1-3 chilies - chopped, the small ones /Els catalanets podem fer sense
    • 1/4 onion - sliced long way /ceba d'amanida tallades llargues
    • 1/4 tomato - sliced long way /tomàquets tallats llargs
    • 1 cup of boiled minced chicken, seafood or tofu
    • spring onions, coriander - chopped / una tasseta de carn picada o tofu o gambetes
    • Glass noodles - they are made of soy sprouts, you can find them in all the asian stores. /fideus transparents que venen als supers asiàtics. Estàn fets de soja i gairebé no tenen calories.

    • 1 tsp sugar /cullereta de sucre
    • 2 tsp fish sauce / culleretes de salsa de peix (la podeu comprar al super asiàtic) com a Fish Sauce
    • 1 tbsp lime / cullerada sopera de llima

    Boil the glass noodles for a few minutes, then inmediately soak in cold water.
    Mix all the ingredients and all the seasoning together. Easy!
    Posar els fideus en aigua bullint durant un parell de minuts i inmediatament posar-los en aigua freda.
    Barrejar tots els ingredients i a menjar!

    Friday, July 20, 2012

    Dibuixos: Passeig en elefant

    Aquí teniu el dibuix a on es veu el meu primer passeig en elefant que dissabte vam fer amb en Robert, ho vaig passar fatal, raons:
    • No anavem lligats de cap manera, només assentats en un banc
    • No hi havia conductor
    • Plovia
    • Passavem al costat de barrancs altíssims

    Sunday, July 15, 2012

    Animals guarding the temples

    Statues in Wat Pha Singh, Chiang Mai, Thailand
    Mainly, I have seen 2 animals guarding the temples:
    • Nagas look like giant cobras and they are heavily decorated. Naga has a large symbology but mainly was the serpent who did protect Buddha when he was meditating
    • Lions representing strength and the power of the mind. They usually have their mouth half open because they are roaring, this call awakens all sentient beings to the power of the Dharma. 

    Elephant guarding the temple in Elephant Temple
    Human guardian :-)

    Thursday, July 12, 2012

    On how buddhism humilliates women

    Today I have felt really hurt twice in a place that had never hurt before:
    • I went to visit some of the buddhist Temples in Chiang Mai, Thailand and in one of them I was denied access because I am a woman. A nice big sticker decorated the stairs “Women are not allowed”
    • In the afternoon we went to what they call “Monk chat”, a talk with the monks about buddhism and culture. When we were leaving, we were saying goodbye to one of the monks and he gave Robert a handshake, when I offered my hand, we rapidly moved his hand to his back.  
    Photo by Garycycles
    Of course, it is my fault for now remembering that I am not supposed to touch a monk. Of course it is my fault for being a tempting and dirty woman, so nasty that I cannot enter their temples or touch them.

    During the chat, I asked the monks if it was common not to let women enter their temples, the reply was clear “I have never been in that particular temple”. A british girl asked if in the eyes of Buddhism, man and women are equal, the reply was “Yes, because both of us can reach enlightment”. Hypocrisy, wanting to like, disrespect… this religion are really backwards!

    Wednesday, July 11, 2012

    El budismo humilla a la mujer

    Hoy me he sentido profundamente herida en dos ocasiones. Aquí van:
    • He estado visitando templos en la ciudad de Chiang Mai, he ido a uno en el que nohe podido entrar por ser mujer, un gran cartel “Prohibida la entrada a mujeres”decoraba las escaleras.
    • Heido a una comunidad budista a una charla que semalmente algunos monjes hacencon los turistas, al terminar, hemos ido a saludar a uno de los monjes. Él leha dado la mano a Robert y por supuesto yo también le he puesto la mano, alinstante él ha retirado la suya y se la ha puesto detrás de la espalda.
    Foto de Garycycles
    Claro, es culpamía por no recordar que los monjes no me pueden tocar. Claro, es culpa mía porser mujer, tentadora y sucia, por esto no puedo entrar en sus templos.

    Les he preguntadoa los monjes si era normal no dejar entrar a las mujeres en algunos templos yla respuesta ha sido “Yo nunca he estado en ese templo”. Durante la charla, una chica ha preguntado sia ojos del budismo, mujeres y hombres son iguales, la respuesta ha sido “Síporqué todos pueden conseguir la iluminación”. Cuanta hipocresía! Cuantas ganas de gustar! Quésociedad tan retrasada!

    Monday, July 09, 2012

    A theme park called Koh Samui

    Going from the airport terminal to the plane
    We spent 10 days in Koh Samui, an island in the south of Thailand. I felt like I was in a theme park, some reasons:
    • Ha Bo Put on Friday night: targetting only to tourist.
    • Drunk westerners.
    • Amusement park price.
    • We didn't visit Hat Mae Nam where it is supposed to be more real.
    • Airport: see photo. :-)
    If you want pristine beaches and white sand, go to Perhentian Islands in Malaysia. No beer there though!

    Thursday, July 05, 2012

    Do they have something in common?

    Sunday at Gunung Pedang by Robert Rogge
    Eventhough the 3 cultures don't do a lot of things together, they have many thing in common:
    • They love to smile
    • They take care of their business
    • They treat foreigners very well
    • They love thé tarik
    • They eat all the time and they eat a lot
    • They all love to spend a hot Sunday in the waterfalls, who doesn't?

    Monday, July 02, 2012

    Varietat cultural a Malàisia: Comunitat india

    Unknown author unless you tell me that it is yours
    Aquí us faig un llistat de les coses que només he vist fer a la comunitat india de Malàisia:
    • Anar al seu rotllo respectant als altres
    • Parlar obertament de política
    • Lluitar per un sistema democràtic
    • No tenir por als ulls
    • Posar la música a tota pastilla