Paradise on earth

The more islands we visit, the more we are in love with the Perhentian Islands in Malaysia.

Are you part of a distributed team?

Team activities, courses and guides for companies with virtual teams!

Vietnamese Art

Propaganda posters, paintings and sculptures.

Happy Wesak

Procesión budista en Malasia

On how Asia reminds me of my childhood

Flowers, construction, poorly paved roads,...

Monday, July 30, 2007

Who killed the cockroach?

11:30am Sunday Maria (my roommate) sends me a text message "Anna, are you awake? There is a giant cockroack smashed on the floor". She is right, there is a 6cm winged red cockroach smashed in our bathroom floor. I clean it and the animal's juices are stuck on the floor, who killed it did a great job. The strange thing is that we were the only ones in the appartment, so... WHO KILLED THE COCKROACH?

This is how the events went:
10:30pm Saturday, Maria leaves the appartment for a bbq while I am in the bathroom fixing my hair. No cockroach has been seen so far.
10:45pm Saturday, Mike leaves the appartment for a party while I am in my room getting dressed. He doesn't enter to the bathroom.
11:15pm Saturday, I leave the appartment after spending the last 30 min in the bathroom. No cockroach has been seen.
3:15am Sunday, I am the first one to get home. I go to the bathroom and I do not see any cockroach
3:30am Sunday, Maria gets home. Goes to the bathroom. No cockroach yet.
9am Sunday, I go to the bathroom wearing sandals, I am really sleep. I do not see any cockroach.
11:30am Sunday, Maria goes to the bathroom and sees the smashed cockroach on the floor.

None of our shoes had any evidence.
Other people with keys: Gerard (the neighbour with a sleepwalking disorder), Aleix (a friend who likes to get drunk, flirt and dance, lives about 15min far), Solange (cleaning lady), Mike (roommate that got home at 4pm on Sunday and swears that the last time he was home was saturday at 10:45pm).


Saturday, July 28, 2007

Unnecessary Facts


Sunday, July 22, 2007

Alternativas a Pandora

Ya que no podemos escuchar Pandora desde Europa hace días que necesito una alternativa. Aunque ninguna de las alternativas ni tan siquiera se acerca a Pandora, con la que estoy más contenta en cuanto a variedad es Musicovery.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Mario: Game Over

¡Qué cosas más raras me pasan últimamente!

Strange things are happening to me:
-I get stunk by a bee
-I see an ambulance upsidedown in the middle of the street
-I see the most beautiful clouds ever while flying
-I see whales

Friday, July 13, 2007

Pep Bou. Clar de Llunes

The most delicious thing I have ever seen.
Avui he retrobat en Pep Bou. No és que mai m'he n'hagués obligat, ja que per sort l'he pogut seguir gràcies al treball amb la Marta Carrasco. Segurament vosaltres també el recordareu perquè us deixava bocabadats davant la televisió de petits. Sí, és aquell senyor que fa bombolles.
Bé, aparentement només fa bombolles però el que fa s'apropa molt més al sublim que a una barreja química, tot i que no deixa de ser mai quelcom físic. Les paraules no sonen bé.
Tot el teatre amb la boca oberta. Tots. I ell amb els peus ben arrelats a terra sense deixar de flotar.
El d'avui i les balenes al mig del mar són els moments més poètics que he percebut mai. No em creia als que deien que l'home podia conseguir aquests nivells de sublimitat.
Per un moment tot semblava que tenia sentit i armonia i de cop "pluf" la bombolla explota. Que real, quant de sentit i armonia en l'explosió.
Fins hi tot les parts desembombollades, les projeccions, els entremitjos, els somriures, LA MÚSICA, ... fantàstic tot! Sí, fantàstic!
Estic plena de paraules buides així que millor que calli i us digui que estan al Tívoli fins el dia 22 de juliol. Aneu-hi, és el millor regal que us podeu fer. Ja m'ho explicareu!