Paradise on earth

The more islands we visit, the more we are in love with the Perhentian Islands in Malaysia.

Are you part of a distributed team?

Team activities, courses and guides for companies with virtual teams!

Vietnamese Art

Propaganda posters, paintings and sculptures.

Happy Wesak

Procesión budista en Malasia

On how Asia reminds me of my childhood

Flowers, construction, poorly paved roads,...

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

The Xylophonist

Really funny! It is great to see that there are people that actually DO things and not only think about doing them. // Si no entens el primer minut no et preocupis, el millor és a partir del segon minut. Superdivertit!

Friday, November 24, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving

Mensaje de un compañero de trabajo a toda la oficina:
"Hoy es el Día de Acción de Gracias en los Estados Unidos. Visitamos a la familia, comemos pavo, miramos football americano y, gracias al pavo, nos quedamos dormidos en el sofá. Lo típico de un día de fiesta.
Pero hay una tradición un poco especial que me gusta mucho y que me gustaría compartir con vosotros: paramos todos y, durante un momento, pensamos en las cosas que tenemos y damos las gracias por tenerlas. Creo que es una reflexión muy chula y a pesar de pertenecer a otro país con sus propias tradiciones, os invito a hacerla.
Paremos todos un momento y pensemos... "¿De qué cosas debo dar gracias?"

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Prou of being his friend / Orgullosa de ser la seva amiga

L'aleix ha guanyat un premi de teatre a Andorra. Va parir una obra que es diu IRA, la va imprimir, la va posar dins un sobre i la va enviar en un concurs. Ara ha guanyat el concurs i el seu talent ha estat reconegut.
No deixeu de visitar el seu blog és genial! Moltes, moltes, moltes felicitats Aleix!
My good friend Aleix won an award last week. He writes plays. Well, he fights to write plays. And now a jury thought that his play was the best of all the ones they got. I am sooooooo proud of him!! Thank you very much Aleix, my life would be pretty miserable without fiction and you are the fiction master. Thanks! And congratulations!

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Josh Rouse

We went to see Josh Rouse last night, great show! He is done with his tour in Europe but he will be playing in the US in a few moths with John Mayer. If you have a chance go to check him out. Great show!
Ahir vam anar a Bikini a veure en Josh Rouse, us recomano que us mireu la seva música. Està molt bé!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Who was your favourite in Northern Exposure? / Qui era el teu preferit a Dr. en Alaska?

In Spain they called the show Dr in Alaska, isn't it funny? The second season just came out here and they sold so many copies! Do you remember the show? Who was your favourite character? Shelly the blonde that works at the bar? Dr. Joel Fleishman? Ed with the black leather jacket? Maggie the sexy pilot? Chris in the morning? Maurice the astronaut? Marilyn the receptionist? Holling the ex-hunter that runs the bar? Ruth Anne and her grocery store? You will have to read the commentaries to know mine!! If you know how to programm a poll let me know!
Dr en Alaska, els dies d'estiu cap a mitjanit a La2, quan La2 no era La2 sino TVE2. Els que us heu comprat el DVD ho tindreu fresc, els que no us l'haugueu comprat digueu-m'ho i us el deixaré! Qui era el vostre preferit? Shelly? Joel? Ed? Maggie? Chris? Maurice? Marilyn? Holling? Ruth? Podeu votar en els comentaris. Si algú em sap programar una enquesta m'ho podeu enviar a la meva adreça!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Corinne Bailey Rae

Perdoneu però no ho puc evitar, una altra recomenació musical. Música de bon rotllo per anar en metro, en bus, estar a casa, estar treballant... segur que us agrada.
I couldn't help it. I saw her in SNL and then I had to download her album. And now... I can not help sharing her with you. Enjoy her!

Monday, November 06, 2006

Leadership and Self Deception: Getting Out of the Box / La Caja

I normally do not like to read this kind of self-help book but this one is very good. Mainly it is good because it is short and secondly it is good because it talks about you. The title says that it talks about leadership but they only say that to sell books among biz people, it is really about being in peace with oneself and with those that are near us. This book makes a good present too. It is by the Arbinger Institute.
Ja sabeu que no m'agraden gens aquests llibres d'autoajuda però aquest és diferent, es diu La Caja i m'agrada força. Primer perquè és curt, i segon perquè de forma gens dogmàtica t'explica un parell de coses sobre estar en pau amb tu mateix i amb els que t'envolten. Si heu de fer un regal a algú que estimeu aquest és un bon regal. I molt fàcil de llegir! És de l'Arbinger Institute

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Fall is here

Fall is finally here, now we can start spending entire days at home, making puzzles, watching movies, keeping ourselves warm... nice. I am listening to Sujfan Stevens, you should check him out. He is pretty good. If you like Kings of Convenience you will defenetely like him.

An Inconvenient Truth

Since Friday it is in all the movie theaters in Spain! Please take 1h and 30 min of our time to listen to Al Gore talk about global warming. Great presentation skills and great message. Please go.