Paradise on earth

The more islands we visit, the more we are in love with the Perhentian Islands in Malaysia.

Are you part of a distributed team?

Team activities, courses and guides for companies with virtual teams!

Vietnamese Art

Propaganda posters, paintings and sculptures.

Happy Wesak

Procesión budista en Malasia

On how Asia reminds me of my childhood

Flowers, construction, poorly paved roads,...

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

The Departed / Infiltrados

Thank God there is still someone who remembers how to make a good movie!
Si teniu festa dimecres ja sabeu a on anar! Infiltrados!

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Dylan Dog

"Puedo leer la Biblia, Homero o Dylan Dog durante días y días sin aburrirme" dice Umberto Eco. Por mi cumpleaños me regalaron Mort Cinder de Oesterheld y Breccia. Y debo decir que Dylan Dog sigue siendo mi favorito. Compré dos tomos de sus cómics hace muchos años en un kiosco de Las Ramblas, no sé si sus historias siguen a la venta o no, pero si tenéis ocasión de leerle no dejéis pasar la oportunidad.
Sorry but these books are not translated into English yet!!!!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

To kill a mockingbird / Matar a un ruiseñor

More than 10 years ago I read that To kill a mockingbird was Truman Capote's favourite novel. Last month was on sale at the bookstore so I got it. After reading it I need to recommend it to all of you. Do you remember reading books for school? Some of the books that made us read were for literature class, and those were boring because we couldn't understand them. But there were other classes where you could read for pleasure, I remember that there was a shelf full of books and as long as you wrote a little note about the book, you could choose as many as you wanted and the wants you wanted. All those books on the shelf made you think outside the box and ask you things..., I remember The 79 squares by Malcom J. Bosse. To kill a mocking bird is one of those books that you enjoy and after reading it you feel like you have learned a lot of things and that you have many things to improve and to think about. Plus it is really easy to read. I hope you enjoy it! By the way, can you make a recommendation of a book that you read in high-school?
Recordeu aquells llibres que ens feien llegir a l'escola o a l'institut i que ens canviaven la manera de veure el món? Matar a un ruiseñor hagués estat un d'ells si l'hagués llegit fa 10 anys. Un dels llibres que em van tenir més afecte en mi, va ser Demian de Herman Hesse o quan encara anava a l'escola Els 79 quadrats. Quin va ser el teu llibre?

Waking Life

I went to see Scanner Darkly today. I do not really want to talk about the movie right now but I would like to recommend you the previous movie from the same director. It is called Waking Life and if you video store has it you should rent it. It's a perfect fall movie! If you have seen it and you want to comment on it, please do so.
Avui he anat a veure Scanner Darkly. Si us ve de gust aneu-la a veure, però sobretot m'agradaria recomenar Waking Life, aquella si que era una passada de peli. si la tenen al vostre video no ho dubteu dues vegades! Si ja l'has vist i tens ganes de comentar alguna cosa, no dubtis a fer-ho.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Yoko Kataoka

Yoko is from Japan and now she lives in Girona, Spain. She makes one of the coolest art work I have ever seen. Please visit her page and fall in love with her work. I think you can buy her postcards but I am not sure.
Alguns ja la coneixeu. Es diu Yoko i el que fa és una passada. No us perdeu la seva pàgina web, preciós!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Action Squad - Minneapolis Urban Adventurers

Action Squad
I wasn't going to post so soon but I need to show you this because what they are doing is really cool. They are the Minneapolis - St Paul Urban Adventurers and they go to abandoned buildings and explore. Great webpage, great pictures, great initiative! Isn't just awsome when somebody actually does something?
Si us plau, no deixeu que l'idioma us freni mirar aquesta pàgina. El que aquesta gent fa em sembla d'allò més interessant. Es dediquen a anar a edificis antics, entrar-hi i fer recerca de què era l'edifici. Troben coses super interessants! Una idea genial i que genial que algú la porti a terme! Action Squad

Sunday, October 01, 2006